Statio Bene Fide Carinis - A safe Harbour for ships is the motto on the coat of arms of our friendly and vibrant port city. Since the City was founded by St Finbarr over 1,000 years ago it has grown from a trading merchant city to a cosmopolitan vibrant 21st century city of today. The city, situated on the banks of the river Lee, is home to 123,000 people. It is located on the South West coast of Ireland and is the 2nd largest city in the Republic of Ireland. The area of the city is 3,731 hectares.

Again to Cork. The 10.10 flight of Amsterdam Schiphol direct to Cork. In these days that means 1.5 hours before the flight be there. And alreay at 08.30 there were cues before check in ... The check in through those "e-machines" is great. One advise from me don't have all your numbers ((e-ticket) just use your passport that's much quicker. That went very smooth actually but then ... Indeed security check. And first of all how do you get there ... It's amazing that an airport like ours that carries about 43 million passangers a year is not able to put that in order. Please people look at the routing, see that it's not workin and instead of hiring all these people to lead everything in order spend that budget on some re-construction! And last but not least, my company is severely affected by the fact that people don't have much time to sit back and get something to drink or eat in stead of running to the gate!

And still it's a beautiful airport but sometimes ... But I made the gate in time we're about to board the plane. (09.45 AM).
Guess what ... A little bit of sunshine in Cork, definitely better weather than in Amsterdam! Luggage came out quick as usuall here and cabs enough. Again a nice cabdriver and one I good easily understand

they all seem to be happy that we're coming (later more about that) little early since I'm 1 hour behind so room not ready. Little chaos in the hotel but staff is very friendly. And of course the first thing to do is to "score" a Vanilla Caramela of Gloria Jean's. ( Price is a bit high but the perfect start of the afternoon. You'll find them in 84 Patricks street. After walking along the Marks & Spencers department - Food section (yes yes I hear somebody say again food ...

love you too ). Drinking this latte adventure enjoying the perfect muffin with my face towards the sun!
Hmmmm although work starts it's a wonderfull life! Irish people tend to wear t-shirts in this weather, we're talking about less than 4- Celsius. Incredible and I thought that I could resist the cold! As well people still on terrasses, just put the heaters on. And in the main shopping street there is now a podium, so Live music tonight! That's it for now, go back te do some work and prepare for a Corkish diner and probably some music as well, from a nice, bit cold Cork, The hotel has WIFI ...
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