Like Buddha and Saint Francis, he was appalled by riches (good for him!) and gave financial support to young women without a dowry and children at every occasion. At the beginning of the second Millenium almost all European cities had their own patron Saint, and Bari in southern Italy was already a beautiful and thriving city; it was, in fact, a bridgehead for commerce with the Orient, though still didn't have a proper patron. It was then that the authorities from Bari asked Pope Urbanus II for permission to adopt this Nicolas the "Moor" about whom had heard a lot on their travel to the Orient.
Therefore a group marines from Bari sailed off a couple of caravelles to Myra, and, taking advantages of the war with the muslim Saracens, emptied the crypt that guarded the bishop's relics without difficulty, to return to the coast of Bari. Venice lacked a patron Saint as well, and wanted the same Nicolas for themselves, but the Baresi protested vehemently and obtained permission from the pope to build a basilica dedicated to Saint Nicolas.
During the same period the 'crusades' were ne vogue that were intended to liberate Jerusalem from the Muslims, and Bari was a point of reference and refreshment for European soldiers before embarking for their adventure in the lands of the Orient. They say the "Templars" often gathered in the Saint's crypt and that the basilica's portals may hide something important.
When the spanish conquered the whole of southern Italy, Bari fell victim as well, but the Spanish, being rather religious, did not rage against the city, but on the contrary, hearing about the deeds of the Saint, adopted him as their own patron for marines and children.
The Netherlands were dominated by the Spanish as well and during this period they brought their traditions to the country: here's the legend of the Saint accompanied by "Moors" bringing presents to children. This tradition was preserved by the ages.
Today not only Bari is protected by Saint Nicolas, but Greece as well, and Russia, Belgium, France, Amsterdam, Barrn, etc, etc ... Amsterdam has its church dedicated to Saint Nicolas. The colors of Bari's football team are : white and red. Both cities face the sea and are seafaring. And then there's a recent history: during the migrations to America in the twenties and thirties, the Dutch brought Sinterklaas with them, where it was adopted under the name of "Santa Klaus".
How many travels, how many stories for this holy Moor, this kind of traveler; from far away Myra, through Bari and Spain, and finally through the Netherlands he has become a symbol of kindheartedness for children ...
And today he hired me to be one of his 'pieten'... wish me luck :-)
Have a great evening all
En...is het goed gegaan?
Did you have a great day ;-)Or better..did the kids have one ...
x Ria
but of course ... we made some statements for some parents too... :-) photo's later - need to be screened first ...
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