Saturday, June 04, 1977

27th Silverstone Festival

27th Silverstone Festival
June 4th-5th - 1977

There I was as a small boy in the midst of my fathers hobby, MG's. In England we visited one of his friends John Bekker who would be driving his MG TD from 1952 (1270cc) in these MG races. My first recollection of an MG gathering.

Since there wasn't a thing called the world wide web or something like blogger this is from my poor recollection ...

What I do remember is that John had a problem with his car on the Friday. But we first had diner, went to a pub and when we went to sleep he went to the garage to work on the car to get in in shape for the race the next day ... Cars, a boy thing ...

I can explain it to you
But I can't understand it for you ....

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Why can't I remember a day,
that I can't forget!
90210 - February 1999