Lentze Parc
212 Rue de Luxembourg
8077 Bertrange
From a local we received this address. A restaurant with a nice terrace overlooking a part of Lyxembourg. Must be really nice during the summer. And from the street you can't see this restaurant, you really need to stop at nr, 212 drive to the parking places and look for it on the left :-).
It's a traditional restaurant with traditional a menu.

Since not too hungry decided to have a main course only. I choose the traditional Salade Gourmande. Since I hadn't had a piece of foie in a long long time ... It looked very good on the plate. Was a bit much salad and not too many ingredients like the magret fumé - hardly there. It could have been a bit more 'decorated'.
Quality was good though. Afterwards a small appetizer would have been nice.
Must go back sometime and try the local specialities. And than especially in summer.