46090 Mercuès
Le 24 septembre 2010,

Menu Chateau à € 85,00
Chateau Mercuès 2004
This Chateau is on route to Cahors. Way up the hill you can only see a small part of this Chateau that's there for almost a thousand years now. Once driven up the hill you can see how big it is. It's a beautiful Chateau with a vineyard and also the wine is made on the premises. The Chateau also has a huge and beautiful wine cellar, showing to the public. But all is fair, we came for the food & beverage ... :-)

gelee aux agrumes, espuma noix de coco
Daurade Royale
en risotto de palourdes, creme thym-citron
Quasi de veau roti en cocotte
<<>> artichauts fondants et morilles
Le Plateau de fromages
Fondant de chocolat Mangard
emulsion au the Earl Grey et streusel
Figues roties au miel
brioche caramelisee, sorbet agrumes
Cafe et friandises

It's worth it ... location perfect, food superb, wine lovely ...