expected to be ready in Q1 - 2009

the kitchen drawn in the picture will be totally different. I'll have a cooking island what will be at the same time a place for eating (with 3 people or less). The kitchen is situated on the front of the house, next to the pavement and the street. Where there is actually space to park a car ... :-)
At the back in a separate 'room' there's a toilet and the washing machine and some storage place. Also the entrance towards the garage where you can park your car. It's a dedicated area only for the people living in the complex.
The kitchen will be approximately 20m2.
Nice big windows at the front from the floor up until the ceiling. So there will be enough light from that side.
Also the 'meterkast' will be situated on the ground floor. So electricity, gas and water will enter the building here.
And of course the stairs to the first floor ...

The first floor will be the living room with access to the garden. So if there might be people who really do have green fingers ... :-) you're welcome. It will be a big and open space only with the staircase.
The 1st floor will be about 45m2.
On the front side of the building there will be 5 windows, as well as the ground floor, from the floor until the ceiling. Almost covering the entire width of the house. The back of the house (with access to the garden) has a very large window and the other one will move behind the 1st one giving a wide opening into the garden.
The garden is between 6-7 meters deep and a little over 5 meters wide. Also a small place for some 'garden equipment'. From the garage you can go up to the first floor and enter your home from the garden.
So quite a space to decorate ... but I do have some time to think about that.
All the floors are equipped with fire alarms.
I also put in some extra tubes that can be wired afterwards in case of. I know the whole world is equipped with wireless but for a lot of things I like to depend on the wire. No interference no hazzle, always works.

The second floor is for the bedrooms and the bathroom - and extra toilet. They made in the original design an extra bedroom. Divided the second bedroom into 2 small rooms. I decided to tear the wall down and also enjoy here from a big guest room.
Also the place for the Central heating is located here, opposite of the toilet.
Also the (rather :-) ) small bathroom is on this floor. It will be (as well as the both toilets) completely tiled and a bathtub will be placed. So only a little work needs to be done when I can enter the house.
The Master bedroom is situated at the front of the house.
As well some nice windows for both bedrooms. At least covering 60-70% of the wall, again gaining some light from outside.
In all the rooms (like the 1st floor) there are extra tubes for wiring. So maybe for extra electricity, cable or satellite or any other device in need of some wiring.
Enough space for two nice double beds - even king size :-)

Of course the computer and all my digital stored music files, photo's etc will be on this floor. So the blogs (if I'm into that as of than) will be made from here probably. Of course there's an exception for the laptop that will be wireless connected to my network.
The house has a fake gable at the front. Since this top floor is extra, not everybody will have an extra floor. And to maintain a nice view for the outside world they decided to make a gable. So it will not be very obvious who has an extra floor and so maintain a better picture.
Another feature will be the terrace. Same big windows that can be opened like the first floor. So enjoying some music on a late summer night enjoying the last rays of the sun ... :-)
So I probably need a small fridge so I don't have to walk all the stairs to get a nice cold drink. Where people can worry about these days ...
I enjoy it already but still need to wait till Q1 - 2009. Depending on the state of the works by July 2008 they might be able to do it in Q4 2008. But we'll wait and find out. Gives some more room to save some extra money to spend on decorating the place ...
Till we meet again ... :-) -x- P.
The picture below shows one of the designs they made for this project. I do have another type of building but they don't have a nice example of that. They only made one type of house. And although the windows are different and the top floor is different, also inside it's even different it shows a nice picture of what to expect.
The first floor is situated on the garden level and as you can see the car is parked under the garden. It saves a lot of space, they don't have to make a garage. And it's something different. And all that for Amsterdam. I know it's not in the heart of the city but I'll manage ... :-)