1082 KV Amsterdam
tel : +31 (0)20 6613730
This restaurant not to far out of the city centre has perfect parking facilities. It's in the middle of a shopping street and it's open from 11.00 till 22.00. This means that you can have normal dishes even at 16.00 o'clock. And that's what we did on February the 19th. It's a nice interieur with friendly people, maybe a little bit slow but perfect food especially for the price quality comparison.
Started with : Mabre of duck and duckliver and balsamico jelly
Main Course : Steamed veal with crabrisotto 'cakes'.
Especially when you want to eat something a little bit before diner time and you don't want to wait but feel more 'hunger' than a sandwich. The menu changes much and is small but with such a variety that always appeal to your needs ...
Chris Peeters - headchef, Ina Kenter - our host will welcome you daily except on Sunday.